Rice Stock in Bojonegoro, Tuban, Lamongan Sufficient for 5 Months
The stock of rice for Bojonegoro, Tuban and Lamongan regencies is still sufficient for the next five months (May-September 2018).The procurement of rice from these three districts helped some rice fields that still harvest along the Bengawan Solo River.
The data at Sub Bulog (Bureau of Logistics) Regional Division III Bojonegoro said the rice procurement has reached 22,479 tons from the target of 76,000 tons for 2018. Of the total procurement, there has been channeled as many as 4820 tons of rice for social activities or 17,659 tons left stored in the warehouse.
“Very sufficient, the stock of rice,” said Deputy Head of Sub Bulog Regional Division III Bojonegoro, Edy Kusuma on Tempo Wednesday, May 22.
The remaining 17,659 tons of rice is still sufficient for the next five months. The amount is still added from the procurement of an average absorbing about 5,000 tons per month. Thus, from Ramadan until Eid Day in mid-June 2019, the stock of rice is still safe.
Edy Kusuma said, the procurement of rice, in Tuban-Bojonegoro and Lamongan, the potential is quite high. It is proven from Bulog’s partners who consistently supply rice, in each month.
Secretary of Bojonegoro Regency Agriculture Service, Bambang Sutopo, said that there are several rice fields in his area that are still harvested.
Especially located along the Bengawan Solo River, which is 16 districts. Starting from Margomulyo, Ngraho, Padangan, Purwosari, Malo, Kasiman, Gayam, Kalitidu, Dander, Trucuk, Kapas, Kanor, Sumberejo, to Baureno. The rice fields in the area are benefited by the water supply from the river, even in the dry season.
“Some are still harvesting, but also start planting,” he told Tempo on Wednesday.
The data of Bojonegoro Agricultural Service said the production in 2017 equivalent to 963,137 tons of rice. Its production capability is 6,343 tons per hectare, in 2017-2018 the planting area is 151,842 hectares. With such production, the stock of rice is considered still sufficient.
Courtesy : Tempo.co
Photo :news.metrotvnews.com
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