Willy Willzan The Older The Better
Willy Dozan has refused to offer acting during his heyday. Hence, at this time he is very grateful to be able to offer acting at the age of stepping 61 years.
“Alhamdulillah, there is, is getting more and more old, like cinnamon, people are also sweet,” he said when met at XXI Blok M Square, South Jakarta, Thursday (21/06/2018).
Despite many offers, Willy chose not to be too selective with the offer of incoming movies or soap operas.
“Oh baseball, I am selective baseball.Now it is not selective baseball, which is important healthy company,” he said.
He did not even set a specific genre for the movie or soap operas starring.
Age of doing this so picky. Arrogant really choose, “said the man known as the action actors.
Willy claimed to have regretted because it was once too selective choose the offer so lost a lot of opportunities.
“The opportunity anytime I never experience early 1980s, my manager said it is not good baseball, this is baseball allowed, even though the money is all that, after sananya regret, crazy money all that, can five house,” he said.
courtasy: tribunnews.com
photo: Kompas Entertainment
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