Selfie on Toll Road Has a Long Tail, This Time Farhat Abbas Report Syahrini to Police


Controversy shooting on the shoulder of the highway by Syahrini seems to have a long tail longer.

Despite filing an apology to the public, lawyer Farhat Abbas intends to report it.

This time Farhat will budge with Advocate Indonesia Raya.

This was revealed in a video upload on a Farhat social media account which was then re-uploaded by @tanttee_remmpoongg on Thursday (15/3/2018).

“Halo saya Farhat Abbas bersama dengan ketua pendiri AIR, Advokat Indonesia Raya. Menurut pendapat saya Syahrini sangat menganggu. Tidak ada orang yang merasa tidak terganggu. Bukan hanya orang yang ada di jalan tol saat itu, saya aja nonton selfienya pun sangat terganggu. Dan dalam waktu dekat ini, Advokat Indonesia Raya akan melaporkan Syahrini pidana karena menggangu ketertiban umum di jalan tol. Jadi tidak boleh ada yang mengatakan bahwa tidak ada yang terganggu. Saya sangat terganggu sekali. Apalagi dalam durasi sekian menit yang menghalang-halangi dan ada yang menjaga, dan siapa bilang tidak ada yang kebal hukum di Indonesia. Oleh karena itu kita minta Syahrini agar ditindak tegas dan dihukum,”

“Hello I Farhat Abbas together with the founder chairman of AIR, Advocate Indonesia Raya. In my opinion Syahrini is very disturbing. No one feels undisturbed. Not only people who are on the highway at the time, I just watched selfiennya very disturbed. And in the near future, Indonesia Raya Advocates will report Syahrini criminal as it disturbs public order on the highway. So no one should say that nothing is disturbed. I was very disturbed. Especially in the duration of a few minutes that hinder and there are guarding and who says there is nothing immune to law in Indonesia. Therefore we ask Syahrini to be dealt with firmly and punished, “said Farhat.

Courtesy :
Photo : Wow Keren

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