Tips to Maintain Smooth and Beautiful Skin

The human skin holds a significantly important role for a human’s body. Human skin is the largest human organ that lines the body, and acts as an indicator of overall health.

The human skin loses half a liter of fluids each day, in line with daily activities. The decline of fluids causes skin to dry, as quoted from Nutrition Review by Ronald Maughan, Phillip Watson, and Susan M.

Melyawati Hermawan, SpKK and health specialist doctor, explained that dry skin can cause the skin to become more sensitive, easy to get itchy and sore, easy to get irritated, looks dull, and causing risk of creating soft lines or premature aging.

“Some of the patients that come to me complained of dry skin due to allergy. However, the cause of itch comes from dry skin after I examined the patients’ skins,” she said.

The skin sheds around 30,000-40,000 dead skin cells from the surface of skin each minute. Skin regenerates every 28 days. The human skin needs sufficient moisture for it to regenerate optimally. The first sign of aging often shows up on the skin of hands. The skin on the back of the hand is thinner than facial skin, and gets dry easily. Natural skin moisture disappears in line with the drying of water from the skin’s surface.

dr. Melyawati said there are several tricks to address dry skin, including avoiding hot temperature from the sun rays or taking a hot shower, since heat accelerates water evaporation from the skin. Other tips include drinking plenty of fluids, and using body lotion to repair skin moisture.

“The body needs sufficient fluid to keep it hydrated during our daily activities. In addition, we also need the assistance of body lotion to return the skin’s moisture,” she said.

Moreover, skin that is exposed to water will lose its natural moisturizing factor. “Therefore, we need to reapply body lotion whenever we wash our skin with water, such as after taking a shower, washing our hands, or after taking wudhu,” Melyawati added.


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